Every day Jar is with us, he reveals his personality a bit more. This weekend, his "collect" switch got flipped and he's been busily bringing our socks, shoes, towels and everything he can get his mouth on into the den...no destruction...just collection. He also picked up my knitting. Fortunately, while he unwound a lot of yarn, he didn't get around to pulling stitches off the needles.
Loves going outside to wander around the yard, though he mostly follows the other hounds. In fact, this guy seems to be the consummate follower. He pretty much lets everyone else have their way. While at 100 Oaks M&G yesterday his nosey nature was in full bloom. He kept pulling toward the fish department to watch them...sort of like dog TV! And he wanted to prowl the store, likely for spilled food. He was okay with kids 5+ and had no interest in the little dogs. Of course, he meeted and greeted all the greyhounds and their owners.
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