Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

Summer's tough on a black dog. MJ wants to go out and lounge around in the sun with the girls, but his black fur just sucks up the heat, so he wants back in quickly. He and my three hounds are getting along really well...so far, zero disputes and he's a bit afraid of my cats. We think of that as an asset. Not so good with dogs under 35 pounds, especially if they're yappy and jump around. I'm not good with those kinds of dogs either!

He's developed a real passion for toys and seems to have a gift for not killing the squeakers. Too funny. He runs from room to room with them in his mouth. Or, he'll lay outside on the deck with one. Last night, he felt compelled to test drive every toy in the basket. Now, if we could just teach him to put them back!

Yesterday, I came back from running errands and went into the back bedroom where the dogs stay when we're away. MJ was sitting very quietly in his crate and wouldn't look at me. I thought that was sort of odd. Then I noticed the side gate of his crate was standing open. (Two-gated crate. One in front, one on the side.) Apparently, I hadn't latched the sidegate and he'd figured out how to open it and let himself out. When he heard me coming, he jumped back in his crate. What a good boy.

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